Weekly Affirmation

Start Your Day with This Affirmation
Gratitude Changes Everything
We believe that what we spend our time thinking about and the strength of our emotional beliefs-
that is what we see manifesting in our life.
I am loveable and worthy of receiving love.
I am allowing myself to radiate a love so powerful that my soulmate is drawn to me right now.
Now is the right time and place to meet my perfect mate.
I open my heart, and trust that true love will arrive.
I am attracting love and romance into my life and I accept it.
I am attracting a soulmate relationship, based on love, honesty and respect.

Affirmations to attract Love!
I value myself.
It's OK to leave my comfort zone.
Every challenge is an opportunity to grow.

Affirmations for your
Affirmations for your

I exercise to show my body I love it.
I deserve to feel healthy and vibrant.
Each time I exercise I literally feel my body growing stronger.

for your financial Prosperity!
I am generous with my money.
I deserve to make more money.
I release all resistance to attracting money.

for your
I am open to limitless possibilities.
I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that's on it's way.
I am creative and open to new solutions.
I cherish my body and my life.
I am radiant from the inside out.
I treat my body with the love and kindness it deserves.

for loving your body!
My positive thoughts and actions renew my health and body.
I deserve to feel healthy and vibrant.
I do not carry stress or tension in my body.

Affirmations for your
I will use my voice and my power to lift up myself and those around me.
I control my job search. It does not control me. I will continue to try new strategies until I succeed.
My career is a journey not a destination. I am in control of my career's journey.

Affirmations for
How and When
and Where

With 3-6-9
3....Write your Affirmation three times in the morning.
6.....Write your Affirmation six times in the afternoon.
9....Write your Affirmation nine times at night.
Thinking Affirmatively
"If we cannot actually bring ourselves to believe that we possess the good we desire ... you can say to yourself, "I do accept this good. I do believe my prayer is answered. I do affirm the presence of - whatever the need may be - and nothing in me denies, rejects, or refutes it. I do accept it." Ernest Holmes, Living the Science of Mind, pg 21, ppg 3.
Past Weekly Affirmations
Wednesday Feb 12 2025
"Love is a language which is universal, interpreted through every living soul and understood by all." - Ernest Holmes
Wednesday Feb 5, 2025
"Abundance is about knowing that you have everything for complete happiness." - Wayne Dyer
Wednesday Jan 29 2025
Limitations exist only if you let them.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Through the Grace of God my life is filled with ceaseless joy and ever-inceasing abundance of all that is Good.
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
"Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs." .....Marianne Williamson
Wednesday Jan 8, 2025
Anything will give up its secret if you love it enough.
Wednesday Jan 1, 2025
My body is God's body and is whole, perfect and complete
Wednesday Nov 26, 2024
I greet each day as if it were a holiday.
Wednesday Nov 6, 2024
Through the Grace of God my life is filled with ceaseless joy and ever-increasing abundance of all that is good.
Wednesday Nov 26, 2024
I express love and peace wherever I go.
CHANGE YOUR THINKING.......Change Your Life!